Signature Record Display

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Year Published
Printer or Artist
Students of OCAP
Contributing artists
Private Press
Ontario College of Art Press
Toronto, ON
[portfolio of 8 prints: loose colophon] OCAP - Wayzgoose Anthology 84 - SELF PORTRAITS. Varied aspects of the self were developed and printed by students in the printshop at the Ontario College of Art. Cotton rags were beaten and couched by Barbara McGill Balfour to form the signature envelopes. 36 pt. fists were used as directional accents. the following artists contributed single page inserts in an edition of 120: 1. Barbara McGill Balfour and Randi Hemminghaus - lithograph on handmade paper. 2. Elizabeth Eakins - assorted type and fleurons on handmade paper. 3. Cheryl Fisher - silkscreen on handmade paper 4. Rob Milne - two colour linocut. 5 Lisa Neighbour - lithograph. 6. Sheila Ramsey - three colour serigraph with glitter. 7. Rebecca Roosman - hand rubbed lino on Japanese paper. 8. Janice Taylor -- woodcut and collage
ISBN Signature
ISBN Anthology

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